System Roundtable: Shadows of the Apt

I’m back today with another Roundtable discussion, a group of pen names used by folks offering their perspectives on the best way to adapt a piece of media to the gaming table. The subject this time is the Shadows of the Apt, a fantasy series by the acclaimed Adrian Tchaikovsky, and we have three fairly different takes on adapting it!

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Daggerheart Review

Today I’m here to talk about the game that all the RPG reviewers are buzzing about: Daggerheart. This is the latest game from Darlington Press, the publishing offshoot of the famous Critical Role media sensation, and what is being touted as their answer to Dungeons & Dragons. While the game itself isn’t ready yet there’s a hefty playtest document to leaf through. Like the company’s gothic horror game Candela Obscura, this game is fairly differently mechanically from D&D (perhaps with good reason) but thematically it’s fairly close. So what can you look forward to in this new game? Let’s take a look!

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Roman Supers: Change and Authority

I’m back today with more Roman Supers! The scope of the setting is starting to take shape for me so hopefully they start to gel for you all too. I don’t want this to be a history lesson (or, more accurately, require lectures for players to engage) so I’ll try to give context somewhat sparingly and rely on the vibes of the setting to do their own lifting (like any other comic book setting).

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High Fantasy with Legends in the Mist

The latest project from Son of Oak (makers of City of Mist and branching out to new games) is something I’m really thrilled about. Legend in the Mist takes the game engine from City of Mist and streamlines it (the same engine as their other new game, :Otherscape) as well as adjusting it for a fantasy setting. The creators have done some great videos about the project (you can find the playlist here) and it’s in its last days, but one thing I’ve seen come up consistently is why it seems so “small” and whether you can play high fantasy in it. In fact, I don’t think that’s a limit at all and let’s take a look why!

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Review of Wildsea Ship-Garden Expansion

Today I’m here to talk to you about an expansion for the fantastic game Wildsea by Felix Isaacs. It’s not the big Storm & Root expansion, though I’m hoping to get to that soon, but one that I was actually more immediately excited about. The Ship-Gardens Expansion is a small expansion but one that packs a punch!

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Reversals in Fey Stories

I’ve been reading and thinking about how to tell stories about fey worlds (the lands of the fairies, the Feywild, what have you) and thought it would be worth jotting some of the ideas down. It’s a really rich and fun place to tell stories and I can’t be the only GM out there who thinks so, so let’s head through the hedge together!

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Roman Supers: Introduction

This is the first post of my Roman Supers plan, one of my new projects for the year. This superhero setting has been rattling around in my brain for a bit and I expect to add to it once a month or so but in this first post I just want to set the stage.

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Updated Cypher System Foci and Descriptors

I’ve had a running list for a while with all the foci and descriptors for various Monte Cook Games Cypher products, going back to Numenera‘s first edition. I wanted to update it but decided I’d wait for the newest stuff before uploading again. Well here we are!

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DIE Roleplaying Game Review

So this is a weird one for my first game review of 2024, both a weird game and a weird pick. DIE RPG (from Rowan, Rook, and Decard, who also published Spire and Heart) has been out for a bit and I’ve been mulling it over before jumping in. I tried it out for the first time recently and, long story short, it delivers on a lot of fronts.

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