Titanborn Heroes for Scion 2e

A while back I looked at the Titanomachy sourcebook for Scion Second Edition. I want to show you the character options from that book today, and also catch everyone up that it is the final week for Scion: Demigod on Kickstarter. If you like Scion and haven’t backed that yet then head over there now and get on board!

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Colony Campaigns in STA, Part 2

Last time I looked at colonies in the setting of Star Trek, I was taking an overview and providing inspiration for why you might want to take your Star Trek Adventures campaign there. While colonies work great as a backdrop for STA missions, the whole point of taking a deep look into them is to identify new campaign options for your game. With that in mind, let’s look at the nitty-gritty of how they actually run.

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Scion: Titanomachy Review

The spread of Scion 2e books continues to grow! You can check out my previous reviews of Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero (plus more) and the upcoming Scion:Demigod is I’ve already backed on Kickstarter. Today I’m here to talk about the newest book from the game line, all about the enemies of the gods and potential destroyers of worlds: Scion: Titanomachy.

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Klingon Phrases for STA

Ever since their revamp in The Next Generation, Klingons in Star Trek have been partially characterized by the constructed language they use on screen. There are phrases in other species’ languages (the Romulan phrase “jolan tru” and the Cardassian drink “kanar” come to mind) but nothing rivals the Klingons for non-English dialog. If you’re using the Klingon Empire core rulebook, you probably want to do the same but you might be intimidated by this dense language. I’m a novice myself but here are some phrases you can start using today!

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