Drinks in Invisible Sun

The surreal setting of Invisible Sun is full of amazing and strange details but one of the best ways to highlight the surreal is to juxtapose it with the mundane. In between jumping across worlds and sealing angels into bracelets, why not have your vislae stop off at a bar for a (mostly) normal drink?

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Review of Escape from Dino Island

The Powered by the Apocalypse game Escape from Dino Island is a not-so-subtle homage to stories like Jurassic Park and Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World, but also island mysteries like Lost or (naturally) The Island. It’s short, punchy, and sure to fulfill your gaming needs, as long as those needs include running screaming from a T-rex.

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Interview with Chris Gunning About The Hammer and the Stake

Today I’ve got some new detail on a project that I’ve seen advertised in a few different places. The Hammer and the Stake is an ongoing Kickstarter for a game of socialist freedom fighters trying to bring down vampire overlords, all set in 1920s Eastern Europe. It’s an evocative idea for a game and the creator, Chris Gunning of Weaponized Ink was kind enough to answer a few interview questions about the project.

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System Roundtable: Everdell RPG

In these trying times, game are a special refuge that revitalizes me. I think I’m not alone in that and while I currently have a tense City of Mist campaign going on and just wrapped an unnerving Invisible Sun season, sometimes it’s nice to have something cozy and pleasant to wrap up in like a warm blanket.

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