Fateforge, Part 1 – Introduction

Right now on Kickstarter is a campaign by Studio Agate, the producers of my favorite grimdark RPG Shadows of Esteren, is a new D&D 5e setting called Fateforge. To say that the 5e marked is overcrowded is an understatement, but the folks at Studio Agate have produced some great games and settings. What will they do with this system? Let’s find out together.

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Automatic Generators for Star Trek Adventures

Today I want to show off a gaming resource you might not have seen. Chartopia is a user-friendly website for making automatic generation tables, making those handy randomizing tables in your DMG or other RPG sourcebook even easier. With just the click of a mouse you can have inspiration popping up on your screen!

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Crossovers in Star Trek Adventures

One thing that I’ve really enjoyed creating for Star Trek Adventures is writing options for non-Starfleet campaigns. It’s a big ask, though, to start a brand new campaign just to try playing Klingons, Cardassians, or Romulans. There’s another option, though: a crossover!

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Fast, Furious, and Fairytales: Part 1

I’m back today (a little delayed, sorry) to flesh out my first case for the Disney Princesses in my City of Mist campaign. A full write-up for a case can get pretty long so we’re splitting it up into two parts. Today’s post is all about the main culprit behind this plot, and we’ll get to the locations and iceberg next time. I imagine it goes without saying but If You Might be Playing Through This Case, Stop Reading Now!

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A Design Framework for Games

How do you know if you’re creating a campaign with enough buy-in and interest with your group? How can you be sure that you’ve given your players enough context on a new gaming system for them to adequately interact with it? The answer to these sorts of questions is far more art than science, but today I’d like to talk about a framework that can help you out.

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Arkadia Review

I was more than a little intrigued when I saw the Arkadia Kickstarter. Greco-Roman mythology is a rich vein and this setting promised a setting built from the ground up with this theme in mind instead of tacked on the top of D&D 5e. Now that the PDF is available I thought I’d give you all a look at what’s included!

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