Dark Eras 2: Part 2

I’m back today with another batch of historical settings for the Chronicles of Darkness. Expanding on the other Dark Eras of the game, I started last time to look at the new settings for the Dark Eras 2 book. We are making our way through the medieval Mediterranean this time so grab your saddlebags and lets head to Africa and beyond!

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Colony Campaigns in STA, Part 1

I’ve been thinking hard about how Federation colonies work in Star Trek and what stories you can tell with them. Partially this is because I have a Federation colony in one of my games that’s set in the Gamma Quadrant and I want it to play a big role. That means I have my creator’s hat on and over the next few weeks I’ll be outlining my GM advice and my new mechanics for a colony-based campaign. Feedback welcome!

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Captain Picard Day and the Fenris Rangers

It’s Captain Picard Day! This year for the day commemorating my favorite Starfleet captain, I’m looking back at all the aspects of the Star Trek: Picard series. I loved watching it and have lots of cool ideas from the series so I thought I’d take a look through what’s out there and make some new character options while I’m at it.

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Gaming with Kids

I’ve written before about gaming with kids, it’s something that I’ve loved doing as a father. The Little Mephling loves playing games of make believe in all varieties from My Little Pony and No Thank You, Evil! to a games we’ve made up together like Adventure Game and a Cypher-inspired game I made for him based on PJ Masks. Today, I want to talk about a few more really great options for gaming with kids in case you, like me, are still home every day with increasingly antsy kids.

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Dark Eras 2: Part 1

Way back in 2017 (before Baby Grue or Continuing Mission) I went systematically through all the historical settings for the Chronicles of Darkness. It was a fun project and I enjoyed the completeness of it but now they went ahead and added more! Last month, Dark Eras 2 was made available to the public on Drive Thru RPG so it’s time once more to head into the fray of history.

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