Eclipse Phase Fiasco

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans out there! I know it’s a holiday with a complicated history, but what holiday doesn’t? The important part is getting together with family and friends to share some fun times. If you want some inspiration for games to play this week you could do a lot worse than Fiasco, a bridge between RPG and party game with a lot of acting and fun. I’ve come up with some Eclipse Phase scenarios to combine gamelines (as I love to do) and welcome you trying this one out. If you do, let me know!

Download Je Me Souviens… Again
a Fiasco scenario for Eclipse Phase

Conspyramid in FATE

In the FATE mini-campaign setting Eagle Eyes, the players are detectives in Imperial Rome working against conspiracies in the Eternal City. It’s an awesome setting and I really recommend it, but the conspiracy mechanic is a great feature for other FATE campaigns. It’s especially powerful if you use all the brilliant vision of Ken Hite from Night’s Black Agents. Combine these two and you’ll have a great game dealing with dark, shady ladder of evil whether fueled by Red Court vampires in The Dresden Files, corrupted tribes in Ehdrigohr, or self-made supervillains in Base Raiders.

Continue reading “Conspyramid in FATE”

AME Conversion: A Darkness in the Marshes

Another adaptation for a Tales From Wilderland adventure to Adventures in Middle Earth. This is another option for my players (along with Those Who Tarry No Longer) and I’m not sure which I hope they pick. They’re leaning towards Radagast, though, so I’m guessing it will be this one!

A Darkness In the Marshes
for Adventures in Middle Earth

AME Conversion: Those Who Tarry No Longer

So, I ran my Adventures in Middle Earth conversion of The Marsh-Bell and really liked the result. Look for an updated version sometime soon. I love The One Ring RPG but AME has some great opportunities as well. In preparing for my next game I’ve started working on some other adventure options, starting with the ones found in Tales From Wilderland. If you’re looking for the same check out this one below and let me know what you think!

Those Who Tarry No Longer
for Adventures in Middle Earth